Thursday, 28 January 2016

Robin Hood!

And the word is officially out - our summer show at the London Wetland Centre will be a new, promenade production of Robin Hood

Written (by yours truly!) specifically for the Centre, it will be an exciting evening out in beautiful surroundings. We'd be delighted if you would join us, Robin Hood and his men, the cruel Sheriff of Nottingham and his minions and the hopeful people of Loxley, for this immersive adventure on Thursday and Friday evenings throughout June.

With the King absent, corruption and injustice are rife in England.  The country cries out for a champion - and in the heart of the Greenwood, a legend stirs...

Dates: 9 (Previews), 10 (Press Night), 16, 17, 23, 24 & 30 June and 1 July.
Times: 6.30pm or 8pm - there will be two performances each night.
Tickets will cost £20 and will soon be available from the Wetland Centre website.

We look forward to seeing you there! :-)

P.S. Despite our deep and abiding faith in the English summer weather, we can't help thinking that you might still want to bring an umbrella with you.  Just in case... ;-)

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